Faces in OUR crowd
Row 1 -- Pam Power, Terry Seth, Jean Ann Durades. Row 2 -- Sam Wurtzbacher, Karen Barnes, Wayne Uhrig.
Our Partners
The lifelong benefit of doing good
Our Mission: To partner with YMCAs to help those who serve others build a foundation for financial security in retirement.
Our Vision: Generations of YMCA employees approach the future with anticipation and confidence.
Y Retirement was created more than a decade before Social Security, at a time when private pensions were rare. More than 17,000 people are receiving a lifetime annuity today.
Michael B. Cefole
Chief Executive Officer of
Y Retirement
James Kirschner
Chief Strategy Officer of
Y Retirement and staff liaison to YMCA Alumni.
Emergency Assistance Fund
Y Professionals and YMCA Alumni supporting each other...
EAF has been here for us for more than a century. YMCA actives and YMCA Alumni have given generously each year. EAF is a partner of YMCA Alumni, offering a significant benefit for our members. Contact your Chapter Representative about EAF using the phone chart below.
To donate: Contribute online by clicking the "Donate Securely" button below. Or, mail a check to: Emergency Assistance Fund - Y USA, 101 N. Wacker Drive. 16th Fl., Chicago, IL 60606 using the form accessed by the button below for "Mail-In" donations.
YMCA Alumni EAF Chair:
Bob Warnock
EAF Chapter Representatives
Contact them quickly by phone.
Central Atlantic:
Hank Vanzanten
Steve Oswald
New England:
Karen Leslie
Charles Cleveland
Fred Cooper
Keith Lands
Greater Ozark:
Tim and Debra Phillips
(515) 869-0314
Hoosier-Buell -- Indiana:
Lou Drexler
Hoosier-Buell Michigan:
David Hines
Messer-Brandenberg: Illinois
Thomas Scott
Messer-Brandenburg Wisconsin:
Jim Currie
Rich Schoffelman
Upper Midwest:
Don Kerr
Jim Leigh
Grand Canyon:
John Brooks
Grand Canyon (Wiedensall):
Norma Hansen
Paul Andresen
Bill Parkhurst
Andy Vamis
(415 810-5824)
Chuck Dandridge
World Fellowship
of YMCA Retirees
WFYR, as it's known, is a group of YMCA Retirees in chapters across the globe. YMCA Alumni is a proud member of the organization. Current Chair is Kohei Yamada.
National YMCA Hall of Fame
Housed on the Springfield College campus in the Harold C. Smith Learning Commons.
A legacy of leadership
The National YMCA Hall of Fame provides a forum to recognize YMCA professionals and volunteers who exemplify a lifetime of commitment to the mission and cause of the YMCA. It honors individuals who have devoted their lives to strengthening community through their devotion and dedication of serving people and making a positive impact on individuals and to the movement.
We are extremely proud of the 12 active members of YMCA Alumni currently enshrined in the National YMCA Hall of Fame: Rizak Abushar, Bill Cameron, Jean Ann Durades, Bea Halk, Bob Hoffman, Pres Johnson, Bonnie Mairs, Harold Mezile, Peter Post, Jerry Prado-Shaw and Len Wilson.
Y's Men Clubs International
"to acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right..."